
Showing posts from July, 2019

Families Can Be Together Forever

Finals are done, classes finished and the semester has now drawn to a close. When I started this blog I must confess that I wasn’t exactly thrilled to do it. I think I’m an awkward individual and wondered what I could possibly add to the subject of families that everyone hasn’t already heard or read before. I’m no expert yet, but I believe that we learn best when we teach others and share our personal experiences and apply what it is that we have learned. Some observations I’ve made in my short time in the Marriage and Family major is that no family is 100% perfect and has complete success based on worldly standards.   When I think of the ideal “nuclear family” I think of a family consisting of a mom, dad and at least 1 or more children. This family on the outside appears to have no struggles or challenges. Each family member is intelligent, hardworking, beautiful, talented, has a good career, makes good money and has an active social life. However, this perfect, successful famil

Parental Learning Curve

          Have you ever heard the age-old question “which came first, the chicken or the egg?”            As I pondered this question I began to think about Adam and Eve our first parents and the creation of the world. We learn from science that a being or species is created first and then it produces and multiplies. Religion backs this up but explains a bit further. In the scriptures we learn that in six days the Earth was created and on the seventh the Lord rested from His labors. Each day symbolized a new creation, first with the lights and physical Earth, then the animals and finally people. Adam was created and life was breathed into him, then Eve.  Adam the first man signifies the Earth and Eve the first woman, the mother of all living. So, I guess the metaphor of the chicken and the egg is explained and answered by the story of Adam and Eve.           Adam and Eve are the parents of all humanity and from them, thousands of years later you and I are here today. B

Why Fathers?

We live in a world where we focus on what is best for me and what I deserve. As woman in history we have typically been discriminated against and treated unfairly and as lesser than men. However, with the feminist movement we have seen the gap between men and women slowly closing. This is a good thing but has created several ill consequences. One being that in our fight for equality we have tried to make ourselves better than men. We should all remember that we are no better than men nor are we worth less than them. It isn’t a matter of who is better or not, but of fulfilling our individual roles together. It bothers me when a man assumes that I cant do something such as lifting a heavy box, some form of construction, etc. However, I don’t often stop to think about how maybe it’s not that he doesn’t think I can’t do it but it is more that he is trying to respect me and serve me because he values me. Women (my-self included), need to stop being offended when a man offers his assis