
Showing posts from May, 2019
Culture of Dating What ever happened to good old fashioned relationships? The ones where you got to know someone then dated exclusively which led to an engagement and eventually marriage. Now a days it seems that many of us skip one or more of these steps. Traditionally dating meant that an individual is single (unmarried) and going on planned dates/outings with different people as a means to socialize and get to know them better. The purpose was to discover more about oneself and different qualities they'd find attractive in a potential spouse. It wasn't until someone was ready for marriage that they would begin to date exclusively with the intent of deciding if they would marry. Then after careful consideration and taking the time to get to know one another the man would propose and should the woman accept they'd be engaged. During the engagement the man and woman should continue to strengthen their relationship and make clear plans about the future for their mar
Love One Another Something that has been pressed upon my mind recently is the song Love One Another . It states: As I have loved you,  Love one another.  This new commandment: Love one another. By this shall man know Ye are my disciples. If ye have love,  One to another.   As children of God we all face different challenges during our Earthly journey. Some of us face these trials openly and others battle their demons quietly. There is nothing wrong either way. My heart reaches out to our brothers and sisters who struggle openly and quietly with same-sex attraction. It is not an easy thing to deal with temptation. Many of us fall short at times. I know I myself am not perfect and fall short in many areas. I have a great love for chocolate and all yummy tasting foods. I know they are not good for me and I know that I should avoid them, yet knowing something doesn't always make it easier to listen to and follow. I know this isn't a great example and by

Social Class

Social Class          What is social class? Social class is commonly defined as the division of society and economic status. This division is usually divided into three classes consisting of the lower (poor), middle and upper (rich) categories. It’s based off of what we consider to be of socio-economic importance: location, occupation, income, connections/resources, appearance, communication/vocabulary, material possessions, race, education, etc. All these things combined can affect our way of living including the way we see ourselves and others.          Where I attended middle-high school consisted of students in a lower-middle social class range. In my school being Caucasian put me in the minority group whereas the majority were Hispanic or African American.   I remember once when I was in sixth grade, I decided to attend a UIL poetry club. I was extremely shy and kept to myself. In one of the club meetings a girl came and sat next to me, we made small talk, but again beca
The Family System,      This week I have been thinking a lot about the family and the roles we play in them. Each of us has a role in the family; whether we're the mom/dad, older/younger sibling, aunt/uncle, niece/nephew, cousin, grandparent,in-laws, adopted in family member or the family friend. We have a built in community support system and each of us have an important role to play in order for it to function.       In family studies the family as a system refers to a set of things working together as parts of a mechanism or an interconnecting network. It's people working together to accomplish a goal. Imagine standing in a circle holding hands with your family members. Each one of us in the circle have our own trials and struggles that pull and weigh us down at times. Sometimes these are minor bumps in the road that seem to only affect us as individuals and at other times they can affect the whole family. The stronger the family relationship, the tighter you'll ho
Current Trends in Family The family dynamic is changing and it’s affecting the world drastically. In the past women would stay home to keep house and raise the family while men would go to work in order to provide for the family. In the early 1900’s the fertility rate was roughly 3.5 but during the first and second world war it dropped drastically low, hovering just above the replacement level which is 2.13 (which is needed to maintain a stable population). After World War 2 a rejuvenation spirit spread throughout the world which we now refer to as the Baby Boom. This was a time of prosperity and hope in the United states having finished 2 world wars and the economy booming. The fertility rate increased to 3.8 and babies were everywhere! However, in the late 1960’s a fear began to creep into the U.S about over population. It was inspired by the book The Population Bomb by, Dr. Paul R. Ehrlich which warned of the catastrophic consequences of overpopulating our planet. He predi